
A kitchen with a center table and vegetables on top- Kitchen Cabinet Painters in Topeka, KS
Exterior House Painting Before and After Comparison
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Join the Absolute Painting Team!

Do you love to work, but don’t like your boss or work environment? Do you feel stuck working a job where your hard work isn’t appreciated?

At Absolute Painting, our employees are treated like they should be as a valuable asset. Our staff enjoys labor bonuses, paid time off, weekly paid meetings and an environment of respect.

We are looking for the “right” people that share of commitment of mutual respect, work ethic and a love of doing great work.

When we find the “right” person, we are happy to invest in their skills and training to be a part of the BEST painting team!

For those experienced painters: Do you have a boss that doesn’t listen, doesn’t give you the details and tools you need to do your job and blames you when things don’t go right? Here at Absolute Painting, we have a tried-and-true system of organization that allows you to do what you do best: put paint on the house without the headache of problems that don’t belong to you as the painter or crew leader.

We are actively hiring for new hires without experience that fit our “right” person profile. We are also hiring for experienced painters and crew leaders.

Join Us

We are actively hiring for new hires without experience that fit our “right” person profile. We are also hiring for experienced painters and crew leaders. 

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We're proud to offer nothing but the best!

Absolute Painting has provided exceptional quality in house painting, commercial painting, and more to Northeast Kansas for 15 years.